Como reaccionas ante comentarios racistas e ignorantes? Los ignoras? Tratas de convencer a la otra persona de su falta de conocimiento acerca del asunto? Mi reaccion es algo con lo que lucho bastante. No pasa muy a menudo, pero cunado sucede mi SANGRE ORGULLOSAMENTE MEXICANA hierve dentro de mi. Tratar de mantener mi reaccion en la proporcio y enojo adecuado es un reto. No se si reaccionar del todo tenga algun impacto, tal vez evadir el asunto es la mejor estrategia. Tu que opinas?
How do you react to ignorant and racist comments??? Do you ignore them? Do you try to convince the other person of their lack of knowledge about the issue? I know i struggle with my reaction to out of place comments. It doesn't happen very often but when it does, it makes my VERY PROUDLY MEXICAN blood boil inside me. Trying to keep my reaction in the correct proportion and limited anger is definitely a challenge. I do not know if reacting at all will make a difference, maybe avoiding conflict and acting like the bigger person is the right answer. What do you think???