And today I write so I do not forget. I write for you, my love, my prince my Joshie-coo.
You are a joy to be around, so sweet, so kind and, like a Coyle, Strong and Independent. You are walking everywhere these days! except when you want to get somewhere at turbo speed and you crawl, you crawl like speedy Gonzalez, maybe it is the mexican in you. You try and try and try (with so much determination it is inspiring) to get in the bathroom to play with the toilet.
You love your sister and she loves you, you are her baby and she takes care of you, she tries to feed you whatever treats she gets, even the not so appropriate ones such as hot mexican candy.
Since the day you were born you have been hungry, and boy you eat! you love REAL food, none of the baby food pureed stuff I so desperately try to feed you, you love beans ans spaghetti sauce and pasta andd pizza and soup and rice and pretty much everything I put in front of you, you are such a boy!
You love dancing and music and you chubby little legs rhythmically move to the music and for that I am grateful, you have dancing rhythm!
You S.M.I.LE. A.L.L. T.H.E. T.I.M.E. and it is in caps because you do! you are a happy baby! you are MY happy baby. You flirt, with all the pain in my heart, you flirt with girls and I know I will have issues (ahem, I already do) with the whole girlfriend thing. But we have a good 20?-25 years? before that right?
Your smile melts my heart every time. And I love you, I love you, I love you and in case it is not clear, I LOVE YOU, with a deep, pure and never ending love that brings joy to my heart, everyday until I die.
ONE, such a small number, such a huge mark in heart.
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