A little more than a year ago I went to live with my amazing family in California. I had a broken heart and a very tired spirit when I arrived to the Airport, I carried sadness and hopelessness in my baggage, however, something kept telling me going to spend some time with them was the right thing for me. I was right for so many more reasons that I inicially was awared of. But i should start this story from the begginig.
My "blood cousin" is just a few years older than me and I remember being a little girl and thinking the world of her, she always seemed so pretty, so nice, so kind, so ladylike. She married a great man, and I was a flower girl in the bridal party. I remember everybody was saying she was going to go live in a "foreing land" far away called the United States (It seemed like a worl away for a little person like me).
Some years later while i was going through some not so fun time in my life I called her to ask her if I could stay with them for a while. She said YES, she said, you dont even have to ask. So I did. In no time I was feeling as part of the family, not as a guest, they gave me all their trust, all their love and support. they help me get a job, they loaned memoney to get my car (a.k.a Michael Jackson), they healed my heart and gave me hope, they gave me back the ability to believe in myself, they even helped me forgive and make the best decision I have ever made, giving Matt another chance, and somewhere along the way I gave them my heart. I am so very thankful for my family in CA, I love them so dearly and my blood boils with pride just knowing that part of who i am is part of them. I love you my adopted family. And I miss you even more.
Hace poco mas de un ano fui vivir con mi increible familia en California. Tenia el corazon roto y el espiritu cansado cuando llegue al Aeropuerto, llevaba tristeza y desesperanza en el corazon y sin embargo, algo me decia que ir a visitarlos era lo mejor para mi. Estaba en lo correcto por mas razones de las que imaginaba. Pero la historia comienza asi.
Mi prima "de sangre" es tan solo unos anos mayor que yo y recuerdo ser una chicuelilla cuando la admiraba tanto, siempre tan bonita, tan buena, tan amable, tan "dama".Se caso con un gran hombre y yo fui pajecito en la boda. Recuerdo que todos decian que se iban a ir a una "tierra extrana" muy lejos, a Estados Unidos (se escuchaba como si estuviera al otro lado del mundo para alguien como yo).
Mi prima "de sangre" es tan solo unos anos mayor que yo y recuerdo ser una chicuelilla cuando la admiraba tanto, siempre tan bonita, tan buena, tan amable, tan "dama".Se caso con un gran hombre y yo fui pajecito en la boda. Recuerdo que todos decian que se iban a ir a una "tierra extrana" muy lejos, a Estados Unidos (se escuchaba como si estuviera al otro lado del mundo para alguien como yo).
Algunos anos despues mientras yo vivia momentos no muy divertidos, le llame para pedirle asilo, a lo que repondio: Si, y no me tienes que preguntar. Asi que fui. Casi sin sentirlo pase de ser invitada a parte de la familia, me dieron su confianza, su amor y su apoyo, su generosidad va mas alla de lo que yo puedo expresar. Sanaron mi corazon y me regresaron la habilidad de creer an mi misma incluso me ayudaron a tomar la decision de volver con Matt, y durante ese tiempo les entregue mi corazon. Me siento tan agradecida por mi familia en CA, Los quiero con todo mi corazon mi familia adoptiva.
1 comment:
Qué persona en su sano juicio no se encariñaría con alguien como tú tonta?
Yo espero que Brad y Angelina se fijen en alguien como yo para su siguiente adopción jijiji.
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