Monday, September 26, 2011


There has been a lot of talk about super heroes on facebook from local people, and i want to add to the conversation explaining a little about my personal superheroe. SUPERMATT. And since his birthday was a couple days ago (and i forget very quickly) it seems very suitable.
He is a very generous, kind hearted, geniunly and selfless giver. He inspires me and our little family to be better and closer to each other everyday. He can fix ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING, there is not a single thing my superhero can not figure out, he will learn and research about anything until he know exactly how to do it.
He is so amazingly strong! he has the power to knock down walls like they are paper! he can lift the world with just one arm (or at least he lifts my world).
He is a wonderful father and a great husband. He is my hero, my meano, mi amor.
I love you Supermatt!

1 comment:

jess said...

Mi inglés es tan chafa que lo único que entendí fue que es tu amor.


You're a lucky, lucky girl!!

Abrazote Mimis!!!