Friday, November 25, 2011

T is for Turkey.

And T is for Thank you.
This year has been a very blessed one for our little family, for starters we added a new member, my baby Josh. My parents in separated trips were able to join our daily lives for a couple months, our house was totally unharmed during the devastation of Hurricane Irene and for that we are very thankful.
I live in a country where i have a freedom of speech, opportunity to thrive and lifestyle unparalleled anywhere else. I am able to raise my family, not without sacrifices, on a one income budget, I get to wake up every morning knowing I will spend as much time as I want with my babies, I get to BE HOME with them, and for that I am very blessed.
I thank God for my friends, from now and before, because I carry a little of all of them in my heart. I thank Him also for my Husband, who drives me absolutely NUTS, in every posible way, with kindness, anger, passion and mostly love.
I am very thankful also for stretchy pants that allowed me to ate -ahem-keep eating- so much!
Feliz dia del pavo!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Worn out shoes.

I can still see the red and yellow of the sun coming through those Sierra Madre Mountains dancing on the horizon, I can still smell de crisp and yet warm and almost spicy air in the early morning, I feel my -back then brand new shoes- soles holding to the ground almost enough to keep me there, with so much strenght, with so much weight, so much mote than the 20 pounds of baby weight i carry. I can hear the turbines accelerating making my pain increase expotentialy with their speed, more than anything I can feel tears on my cheeks and I ignore when they got there, all I know is that my heart is holding on.I am saying good bye. I hate it. I know hate is a very strong word, but I do, I hate it. It never gets easier. They get bigger, sadder and more tearful everytime. Giving hugs to my family and holding them so tight as to make them a part of me, to take some of them with me, to imprint them in my skin so I don's feel them so far away. That is all I can do. That is all I must do. I pray to God to keep everyone in my home safe until I can hold them again.
I do not know why I thought of this today, since it happened in September 2010. Maybe it is the fact that the Holidays are coming and I get more emotional about my family. Today was a very good day, with Kiki's laughter and Josh' smiles and giggles, maybe that is why i miss them because i would like to share these days with them. Maybe because there is not a day I don't miss them. or maybe, just maybe the reason is much simpler. Maybe because my shoes are getting old and I thought about the time when I bought them, to go to Mexico. I am so much simpler than I seem. Today was a very good day, and I thank God for it, and I pray I get to share some days like today with my family in Mexico someday.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My baby is cuter than your baby

I don't know if it is accurate information, but for me is the absolute truth!

Evidence A.

Evidence A.1

Is it just me or they really are adorable?


Si hay algo que me encanta de tener una familia "mixta" es incrementar las tradiciones que se celebran en esta casita. Tenemos Santa Claus y Reyes Magos, Conejo de Pascua y la Cuaresma, Dia de Accion de gracias, Viernes Negro (que es uno de mis favoritos y se acerca !!!), tenemos dia de muertos y Halloween. Si bien tiene raices paganas, nosotros lo enfocamos a lo que en realidad se ha convertido, y al que con toda la sabiduria de su edad mi hija ha renombrado a "Feliz dia del Candy". Asi que el pasado 31 de octubre nos dirigimos por las calles a pedir "Tick'o'teat" como decia mi Kiki, sobra decir que mis babies eran los mas lindos de todo el vecindario, -al menos en mi muy humilde opinion-. Pero para mostrar algo en lo que baso mi opinion, aqui esta una muestrita